Australians Being Hoodwinked By New Bank Bail In Legislation
This week the Australian media has devoted hours of airtime to a Deputy Prime Minister who struggles to keep his pants on for any length of time. Meanwhile, the Australian…
author, freelance writer, musician, square peg in a round hole
This week the Australian media has devoted hours of airtime to a Deputy Prime Minister who struggles to keep his pants on for any length of time. Meanwhile, the Australian…
This morning I awoke to the sounds of an ABC(Australian Broadcasting Commission) journalist pontificating on the Barnaby Joyce “scandal.” Apparently, according to the breathless narrative, the Australian people hate a…
Most politics is grey. There are deals done, concessions made and principles compromised. To not know this is to live in fairyland. Read More On Steemit Thank you for reading.…
The romantic myth of Australia is just that. You know what I’m talking about. The irreverent, rebellious land of Ned Kelly and Crocodile Dundee where “women glow and men…